Sunday, March 2, 2014

What COLOR am I?

Fair enough.

I asked you, so now it's my turn.

I was born GREEN. I've been told I was very stubborn as an infant and that hasn't changed much as I've aged.

I grew up in a RED/ORANGE household in an American town in a PURPLE state.

I have RED/ORANGE parents, YELLOW/GREEN/AQUA siblings and friends/relatives of every COLOR.

Most of the music I bought as a young man was DENIM/AQUA/GREEN. Rebellion and anger and rejecting the status quo.

My first presidential vote was cast for GRAY/YELLOW/RED/CRAZY Perot. My second and third were for RED/PURPLE Bush. I'm pretty sure I left that line blank in 2008 and very sure for 2012.

The only political event I've been to since graduating from a DENIM university was a (much more ORANGE and less YELLOW than I expected) Tea Party US Senate primary debate in my RED state of residence.

I've read RED books and DENIM treatises, YELLOW pamphlets and AQUA screeds. I've looked through BLUE texts and GREEN wikis, ORANGE archives and PURPLE decrees. At various points in my life I've been RED, ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN. I've tried on dozens of labels and fit comfortably in none of them. I've learned that practically everyone can point out BLACK while almost nobody has a grasp on WHITE.

Right now I'm GRAY. GRAY because I know I don't have the definitive answer. GRAY because it's on the path away from BLACK, towards WHITE. GRAY because I believe it includes the best of every COLOR and the worst of none.

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